Thursday, April 5, 2012

Random Scans: Shoulder-a-Coffin Kuro v1 v2 (rescanned)

Shoulder-a-Coffin Kuro v1 v2 
-rescanned. It's hard to say if these new scans are better then the old ones though. I think the color pages look better. At least the filesize is bigger.

These two books have of course already been released by Senfgurke2.
(Our old scans are on the page "scans by Random Scans: link" and Senfgurke's releases are at his site.)


  1. One of my faves. Thanks!

  2. Replies
    1. Unedited scans are up in DF linkfolder for S
      The bigger ones with filesize should be the better ones.

      As for the releases from Senfgurke2 I can't reupload at the moment. Or for few next weeks I fear.
